October 2005 Issue


Beyond Spectacular

A passion for technology and innovation has beenthe key ingredient for success for Walter Dow, packagePRINTING's 2005 TLMI Converter of the Year. If awards are a measure of success in the tag and label industry, then Dow Industries can be counted as a very successful company. Walter Dow, CEO/owner of Dow Industries and Screenprint/Dow, is very proud of the awards his companies have won over the years. He notes some of the most memorable awards as the 1992 Massachusetts Quality Award; 1992 packagePRINTING Excellence Awards Best of Show; World Label Awards in 1992, 1998, 2003, and 2004; and the 2002 TLMI Best

Expanding the Possibilities of Color

Extended color printing could be the next best thing to the eye of the beholder in the package-printing industry. PHILOSOPHICALLY SPEAKING, THE exact nature of color may be in dispute forever. As far as brand owners and the package and label printers who work with them are concerned, however, color is a concrete, measurable reality and the most critical component of print quality. If the job of the packaging or label designers is to create shelf appeal and ensure brand recognition, the job of packaging and label printers is to lock in those attributes by reproducing those designs as faithfully, efficiently, and affordably as

Inspection Rewinds Step Up to the Plate

Operators can do more with less with inspection rewind systems. BRING UP THE subject of inspection rewinds and people don't automatically think Derek Jeter—for obvious reasons. But a closer look reveals it's not as far-fetched a comparison as some might believe. Jeter, the New York Yankees' short-stop, has earned several accolades for his all-around ball playing ability. He earned 1996 American League Rookie of the Year, 2000 World Series Most Valuable Player, 2000 All-Star Game Most Valuable Player, and 2002 ESPY Play of the Year. He's not flashy or cocky, but he's turned heads during his 10-year career for his consistency and aptitude, carrying

PRINT 05 - Seven Days in September

PRINT 05 & CONVERTING 05 drew an international audience to the Windy City for a week of new technology demonstrations. THE STATISTICS ARE in from the Graphic Arts Show Company (GASC). PRINT 05 & CONVERTING 05, held last month in Chicago, was a big success by many of the reported metrics. Attendance was in the neighborhood of 62,000. The number of exhibitors, 954, was up from the 893 at the last PRINT show in 2001. The international flavor of the show was demonstrated by the more than 7,200 international attendees from 99 countries, up from 75 in 2001. Clearly, the show had the

Release Liners - A Shrinking Violet?

Is the increased use of shrink labels affecting the use of release liners? Release liner manufacturers say no and offer different reasons why pressure-sensitive labels are the way to go. ONE THING IS certain, your typical consumer doesn't give any thought to release liners as he or she travels up and down the packed isles in the local grocery store. But package printers know that release liners are a very important component in the world of labeling, one that can impact their bottom lines. packagePRINTING spoke to some release liner manufacturers to see what's new and what impact the growing use of shrink labels

Screen Printing - Attractive, Versatile

The screen printing process adds "feeling" to package printing. SCREEN PRINTING IS becoming synonymous with quality in package printing. Increasing the visual appeal of a package is something all brand owners strive for and screen printing helps in a way that very few other processes or substrates can. With the ability to lay down up to 300 µm of ink in one pass, said John Costenoble, sales manager, Graphic Print Systems, Stork Prints America, Inc., comes the means to explore more creative avenues and the ability to increase the attraction to and perceived value of brand owners' products. "Rotary screen printing is becoming increasingly

UV/EB Inks - Take a Sigh of Relief

RadTech is moving toward making sure UV/EB inks are safe for use in food packaging. Is everyone ready for what this may bring? EVERYONE KNOWS WHAT a fast-paced world it is out there. e-mail has made written communications instantaneous, credit cards have made spending money (you don't have) easier than ever, and some cars are now built to cruise at 180 mph. One other technology that seems to have been developed to save people time is the inception of prepackaged food stuffs. Consumers can quickly grab a packet of rice or noodles from their pantry and have a quick meal in minutes. But