Software - MIS

Walking the Walk
February 1, 2008

Success is measured in many ways. For public companies in North America, there are a number of key parameters. Revenue growth, stock price, shareholder equity, and earnings per share are some of the more visible metrics. Based on these measuring sticks, Multi-Color Corporation (MCC), headquartered in Sharonville, Ohio, is a very successful company. Under the leadership of Frank Gerace, president and CEO, its revenues have increased 123 percent during the last five-year period, coming in at $222 million for its 2007 fiscal year. Its impressive earnings growth during that same period has provided shareholders with an overall five-year annual return of 22 percent.

Lean Manufacturing: Slim Your Waste
February 1, 2008

For the last several years, Lean Manufacturing has been growing in the printing and packaging industries. PIA/GATF started presenting Quick Changeover training to printers and packaging companies starting in 1993 and implementing Total Production Maintenance starting in 1998. The problem printers have had with Lean is they have felt there are too many variables and that Lean applies to manufacturers that make widgets or automobiles. However, appeals for improving process efficiency in the printing industry date back to 1914 in articles in local printing trade publications. Lean Manufacturing is all about cost and money, so printing and packaging managers must first understand Lean’s perspective

Impressions Incorporated Selects Radius Solutions as MIS/ERP provider
November 16, 2007

CHICAGO—Radius Solutions Ltd., an integrated business information management/enterprise resource planning provider for the packaging and printing industry, has announced that Impressions Incorporated is implementing the PECAS Vision software to support its long-term business objectives and provide a single integrated system to manage information across its entire operation. The company spent more than five years going through a comprehensive due diligence process to select its fully integrated ERP application partner. More than twenty vendors were initially considered before targeting three final candidates for system demonstrations then reference check requirements. “There were no work-arounds needed; the PECAS Vision system was able to accommodate our operating requirements

Wanted: A MISsionary Zeal
September 1, 2007

The term MIS—management information systems—gets thrown around so much that the significance of its impact gets taken for granted. Company management and all employees making management decisions (and in well-managed companies, these decisions are made at the lowest possible organizational level) depend on accurate, real-time information to make good decisions that enhance the bottom line. So, you would think systems that provide the information for management decisions would get top billing, or at least some priority. However, this is not always the case. Companies that are in the MIS business for the printing arena sometimes struggle to win the battles for investment

User Groups —Tom Polischuk
July 1, 2007

User groups are a beneficial endeavor put to good use in a multitude of industries. The intent of these associations is to generate peer-to-peer interactions at the user (customer) level around a common technology or product. User group activities typically include the active participation of the company that supplies the technology or product. Chicago-based Radius Solutions, a provider of management information systems for the printing and packaging industries, recently held an “enhanced version” of its annual user conference. According to David Taylor, president of the company, he and an associate bought the company from its venture capital ownership about 18 months ago and immediately began

Business Software
May 1, 2006

Advanced Vision Tech. AVT offers job quality data management tools for controlling production quality. Write 804, Visit CRC Information Systems The System is a graphic-arts-specific business management system offering everything from estimating to e-commerce. Write 805, DiMS! organizing print By allowing printers to harness information on a centralized, Web-enabled database, DiMS! provides the ability to link internal information systems, track production data, and integrate operations with key clients and suppliers. Write 806, Visit EFI Offers document management tools from creation to print. Write 807, Visit J HEIDELBERG Prinance is the core of an integrated software

Hal’s Soft Side
April 1, 2006

Seems like computers are taking over everything. Whether you’re at home or work, on the manufacturing floor, an airplane, or up in space, computers are the tools of choice. They control, they communicate, they play chess; and they do it all—fast, reliably, and well. Just ask Hal, the computer-character in Stanley Kubrick’s 1968 classic, 2001: A Space Odyssey. When I hear the term computer, though, a picture of the hardware immediately comes to mind. But it’s clear: software is what makes a computer the powerful, tool that it is. Computer hardware is like the human body, with many fascinating and well-designed systems. But just

Integration is the Name of the Game
April 1, 2006

Remember when the Internet was getting its commercial feet wet back in the early ‘90s; it was referred to as the Information Superhighway. Well, there’s probably not too much debate that it hasn’t lived up to this billing. The amount of information at our fingertips (literally) is simply flabbergasting (just checked to make sure this word was right). Well, the superhighway has spawned a world of highways and byways, and if your company isn’t on one of them, you’d better be looking over your shoulder so your horse and buggy doesn’t get run over. Today, the nimble use of information can

Under the Radar
March 1, 2006

It’s invisible to unsuspecting consumers. It doesn’t have a smell, taste or sound, but it can grab their eye while scanning the teeming grocery store shelves. It can add a certain “pop” to the packaging which can help make almost any merchandise fly off the shelves. “It” is ultraviolet (UV) and electron beam (EB) curing and, according to many experts, package printers can grow their businesses in the converting market if they add this technology to their arsenal. “For the most part, UV and EB are ideal for all manufacturing processes that require faster production speeds to add to their bottom line or enhance