Wide-Web Presses: At Your Service
pP: What kind of technological enhancements are customers looking for in wide-web presses? Specifically, what equipment do you manufacture that serves these requests?
Stickling—Our customers are looking for production enhancements that enable them to change the press over quickly, with little downtime and minimal waste. This is done with the ability to run high speeds that enable significant increases in throughput compared to traditional processes. Moreover, we have heard from our customers’ customer, the packaging buyers. They are asking our customer base, the converters, to deliver more attractive packages that will generate more product sales. This means value-added, in-line processes like foil stamping, screen, and combination printing, as well as other specialty image and diecutting features are required. BHS is known for their ability to customize and integrate all of these features into a press system. This enables their customers to sell their products for a higher price which, in effect, shores up the price erosion for just “me-too” package printers.