July 2001 Issue


Days of Delays?Equipment Purchasing Report

When will more of the industry's equipment purchasing intentions turn into purchase orders? by Susan Friedman, Editor OK, the hold-out's over; spending can start now ... right? According to packagePRINTING's 2001 Equipment Purchasing Survey, 60 percent of responding package printers have intentionally delayed most equipment purchases until the second half of this year due to the economy. packagePRINTING's survey isn't the only one showing these stalled spending stances. According to Stephen Kodey, manager of economic and business research at Printing Industries of America (PIA), a first quarter PIA survey showed 33 percent of printers (commercial and packaging) planned to hold off indefinitely on capital

Ink Transit (Gravure)

Gravure industry insiders tackle key issues for optimum ink transfer and reveal equipment developments aiding the cause. by Jessica Millward, Associate Editor Blade basics Though gravure printing's consistency and dependability as a printing process are well-publicized, press operators should keep a close eye on doctor blade configuration. Max Daetwyler Product Sales Manager Marty Cansler affirms, "What is often crucial for consistent print quality is the ability of the doctor blade to provide clean and even ink application during the entire print run." As he elaborates, maintaining the blade contact area is integral to controlling such print defects as hazing and color variation. Contact area

No Wasted Efforts (Web Inspection)

Web inspection's ultimate aim is to eliminate waste. How can printers maximize a system's reject reduction potential? by Kate Tomlinson, Assistant Editor Given the chance, what package printer would not be interested in running its presses up to 50 percent faster, while reducing waste by up to 11 percent? According to a recent research survey of BST PRO MARK customers, the right video inspection systems make this possible, says John Thome, VP, marketing. "Sixty-five percent of the respondents said these systems allow them to significantly increase their press speeds," he says. "While the average customer said they were running about 20 percent faster, many

Spot Meets Dot (Halftone Proofing)

Improved spot color capabilities render digital halftone proofing a viable choice for package printers. by Jessica Millward, Associate Editor The brand-heralding nature of today's packaging mandates the use of signature colors and spot-color savvy in its proofers. Historically, this has been the rub in digital halftone technology's relationship with package printing. But with a new supplier commitment to R&D for the packaging market, halftone proofing's presence is definitely on the rise. In with insiders Suppliers in general report a greater percentage of sales to tradeshops than printers. CreoScitex Marketing Director, Digital Proofing Mark Vanover notes his company's sales split "[is] somewhat dominated by sales

Taking Care of Business Software

In business and production software, there's no such thing as old reliables. Suppliers tally tell-tale signs an upgrade is in order. by Jessica Millward, Associate Editor Lack of integration A singular, self-contained management tool is the key element of today's efficiency-plus software packages. printCafe's Flexo Products Group Manager Clay Horsley explains a high percentage of printers currently use a mish-mash of spreadsheet estimating, database job entry, and pen and paper to handle job costing/tracking. Capitalizing on the virtues of integrated software, printCafe's redesigned Flexo Quotation System feeds data directly to all modules, including Job Planning, Scheduling, Purchasing, Shipping, and Invoicing. Inefficient data collection John