January 2004 Issue


Cover Story?UV Flexo Printing is Opening Doors to Success

A 10-color press with UV capability has provided QC Packaging Systems with the tools it needs for high-quality work. by Tom Polischuk Growing pains! That's a problem most companies would just love to have right now. For QC Corporation, it's a good hurt. QC Corporation is a major North American manufacturer of bulk and consumer entertainment media products for brands such as Memorex, Fuji, Maxell, Sony, JVC, Kodak, and Radio Shack. The company has experienced a high growth cycle over the past three years due to the explosion of demand for optical media, such as CD/CDRs, DVDs, and DVD-Rs. This business growth came

Folding and Holding It Together

Sophisticated and versatile folding and gluing equipment keeps converters out of sticky situations. by Kate Sharon IN PACKAGING'S DEMANDING market segments, there is no room for poor quality, low productivity, or high operating costs. With that in mind, folder/gluer manufacturers have committed themselves to developing new equipment and refining older technology that enables converters to keep up with their customers' challenging and strict quality requirements, as well as provide them with the means to cut costs. Makereadies and changeovers are two areas where folder/gluers afford converters the opportunity to save money. "In today's highly competitive market, companies are looking for ways to cut

Ink Matters

Package printers want ink options for less, according to the 2004 packagePRINTING Annual Ink Usage Survey. by Kate Sharon PACKAGE PRINTERS WANT one ink supplier with superior products, and plenty of options, at bargain prices, according to the 2004 packagePRINTING Annual Ink Usage Survey. That's not a novel concept, but it's one of many areas where 2004's survey results differed from last year's. Other areas where most of this year's respondents had a different point of view than last year's included the most important ink issues and capabilities, and what specialty inks they employ. With help from industry ink suppliers, packagePRINTING set out

Inkjet Capability

Inkjet has stamped its place in commercial printing, but will it ever mean more than coding and marking in package printing? by Kate Sharon "DIGITAL" IS THE buzzword in package printing today. There's digital printing, and even some diecutting, anilox engraving, and platemaking processes have been digitalized. But digital printing—specifically inkjet—is on the minds of many in the industry, and everyone wants to know how the new technology stands up to its conventional counterparts. Inkjet basics More and more inkjet products, designed for packaging applications, come to market each year. While the technology itself attracts attention, its big price tag and muted capabilities often

Screens are Screaming for Attention

Innovative screening technologies are providing package printers with new tools to improve graphic quality. CREATIVE PROBLEM SOLVING is a beautiful thing. When technical process limitations are overcome resulting in tangible quality and productivity improvements, it truly is rewarding for both the developers of the solutions and the people that use them. In the case of packaging screening technologies, suppliers have been hard at work improving and developing innovative techniques and technologies that provide real improvements for package printers and their customers. These solutions have made positive impacts in both offset and flexographic printing applications. And for the most part, the solutions are applicable

Three, Two, One?Happy New Year!

This year, instead of creating that long list of New Year's resolutions, how about just making one—resolve to learn more about the graphic arts and converting industry. by Joy English RINGING IN THE new year is a happy celebration, with party hats and champagne. But with it comes those dreaded make-them, then break-them New Year's resolutions. This year, put down the pencil and tear up that growing list of resolutions. If there is only one resolution to keep in 2004, make it your attendance at the 29th annual Graphics of the Americas® 2004 (GOA 2004) show. Hosted by the Printing Association of Florida January

Toasty Warm and Dry

Radiant energy and added air circulation are making infrared drying systems efficient options for many converters. by Joy English Today's forecast: sunny and breezy, with highs in the 80s. With weather like this, perfecting a tan is quick and easy. But with this same type of radiant energy, packaged in a different form, a tan is not all that can be accomplished quickly. For the package printing industry, infrared (IR) energy serves many converters' drying needs, especially when combined with convection. Doug Misercola, president of DRI (Port Salerno, Fla.), says, "Basically, infrared is electromagnetic energy that has been around since the beginning of

Treat it Right

The wide range of substrates and ink systems being used makes corona treatment a key tool for package printers. by Tom Polischuk PACKAGE PRINTERS ARE dealing with a multitude of market conditions that have them pushing the envelope when it comes to the materials they run. Because of the need to hold onto business, replace lost business, or grow sources of new business, package printers are routinely running a wider variety of substrates, along with new inking systems. This includes a continuing trend toward the use of film substrates (including thinner gauge films and conductive foils) and new inks such as UV and water-based