RadTech - The Association for UV & EB Technology

Register Early, Receive Discount for uv.eb WEST 2007
February 2, 2007

LOS ANGELES, Calif.—Register now for uv.eb WEST 2007 and receive the early registration discount. Discount registration closes on FEBRUARY 19, 2007. If you are a potential or current user of UV or EB technology, contact RadTech - The Association for UV & EB Technology for information on receiving an additional discount to attend. uv.eb WEST 2007 March 6-7, 2007 Sheraton Gateway Hotel at LAX—Los Angeles, Calif. http://www.uvebwest.com Learn how implementing UV & EB Curing Technology Helps You: —Reduce VOC, CO2, & Hazardous Emissions. —Improve the productivity and efficiency of your process. —Increase profits. —Produce Higher Quality/More Durable Products. —Increase energy efficiency. This

Register Early, Receive Discount for uv.eb WEST 2007
January 30, 2007

uv.eb WEST 2007 March 6-7, 2007 Sheraton Gateway Hotel at LAX—Los Angeles, CA http://www.uvebwest.com Learn how implementing UV & EB Curing Technology Helps You: —Reduce VOC, CO2, & Hazardous Emissions. —Improve the productivity and efficiency of your process. —Increase profits. —Produce Higher Quality/More Durable Products. —Increase energy efficiency. This two day conference and table top exhibition will Introductory and Advanced sessions on UV and EB curing and specific market sessions on Composites, Printing & Packaging, Aerospace/Defense, Wood Finishing, UV Inkjet, and Industrial Applications such as plastics and metal. Register now to make sure you receive the early registration discount. Discount registration closes

Registration is Open for uv.eb WEST
December 21, 2006

CHEVY CHASE, Md.—RadTech - The Association for UV and EB Technology, opened registration for uv.eb WEST 2007, a UV and EB curing technology conference featuring seminars and table top exhibitions from leading suppliers. uv.eb WEST 2007 will take place at the Sheraton Gateway Hotel at LAX, Los Angeles, CA, March 6-7, 2007. Is UV or EB curing technology part of your operation? Should it be? Learn why and how companies in several industries are transitioning to UV and EB technology and learn how implementing UV and EB curing can help reduce VOC, CO2, and hazardous emissions; improve the productivity and efficiency of your process;

Registration is open for uv.eb WEST
November 14, 2006

CHEVY CHASE, Md.—RadTech - The Association for UV and EB Technology opened registration for uv.eb WEST 2007, a UV and EB curing technology conference, featuring seminars and table top exhibitions from leading suppliers. WEST 2007 will take place at the Sheraton Gateway Hotel at LAX, Los Angeles, CA Is UV or EB curing technology part of your operation? Should it be? Learn why and how companies in several industries are transitioning to UV and EB technology and learn how implementing UV& EB curing can help reduce VOC, CO2, and hazardous emissions; improve the productivity and efficiency of your process; increase profits; produce higher quality/more

RadTech branches sign memorandum of understanding
November 10, 2006

São Paulo, Brazil/Chevy Chase, MD—RadTech South America and RadTech International North America and have signed a Memorandum Of Understanding to advance the technical and market development of ultraviolet and electron beam technology. RadTech South America was established in August 2006, to further develop activities and expand the geographic reach of its predecessor, ATBCR-Associação Técnica Brasileira de Cura por Radiação. “For us, the creation of RadTech South America provides identification with our global industry and a connection with our sister group RadTech International North America,” says Ana Paula Perroni Laloe, director/president of RadTech South America, Ciba Specialty Chemicals. “This is a significant step for us,

Cures for Wider Webs?
August 1, 2006

Flexo has long been crowned the fastest growing graphic arts application for UV technology, and experts say usage continues to climb across all press widths. On narrow-web presses in particular, UV curing systems have moved decisively into standard component territory. “Now it would be very rare for a [narrow-web] press not to have at least one UV [unit] … and most presses are all UV,” affirms John Mitchell, sales/product manager, UVTechnology. By contrast, UV ink usage remains more of a specialty than a must for mid- and wide-web flexo printers, but interest has reportedly been building in the past several years, particularly for mid-web