No Hiding From Global Realities
These trends offer both challenges and opportunities to the packaging & label converters. Therefore, it has become an absolute necessity that the PLGA become the PLGA Global in all aspects to best serve its membership and best promote the Gravure Printing Process. There is another reality; there is no room for the "NIH Factor" (Not Invented Here). Locate this "factor" and wipe it out no matter where it has infected your company. You have help to do so. PLGA Global is dedicated to designing conferences and programs that provide the needed useable/actionable information on advanced technology related to the gravure process, the latest in equipment and printing supplies, as well as insights into the evolutions and revolutions that are occurring in product /market sectors, wherever they are occurring globally. Take note of the upcoming Ninth Annual Conference "Gravure Leads the Way" March 1-3, 2006 in Miami, Florida. ( PLGA Global has "got it right."
- Places:
- North America
- U.S.