Labelexpo Americas: Bigger and Better for 2014!
Celebrating our 25th anniversary, Labelexpo Americas 2014 is set to be one of the biggest and best editions the American label industry has ever experienced. The show’s focus remains on label converters, but has been enhanced and enlarged to better cover package printing and related areas of interest for brand owners.
We are introducing an exciting mix of practical and educational topics, such as insights into technology selection and ways of diversifying into other aspects of packaging. Be sure to take in the Package Printing Workshop, the Inkjet Trail, the Smart Mart, the Craft Beverage themed conference and tour, and the brand owners’ package printing master class.
As usual, the main draw of Labelexpo is the number of new products and array of presses, ancillary products and materials being demonstrated in real time. With more than 400 exhibitors on hand, many major product launches are set to take place on the show floor, including HP Indigo’s new WS6800 press and new ‘hybrid’ flexo-digital presses from companies including Mark Andy and FFEI/Edale.
We’ll also be hosting the Label Industry Global Awards. We welcome you to join us on the first evening in Rosemont to salute and celebrate our sector’s leading companies and individuals. GSI Technologies’ Suzanne Zaccone will be awarded the R. Stanton Avery Lifetime Achievement Award.
Whether you’re looking for new suppliers, wanting to learn about the latest trends or simply see how the latest technologies could perform in your business, Labelexpo Americas 2014 has something for everyone. On the next few pages, take a look at just a few of the leading vendor companies that will be on hand at Labelexpo Americas 2014.
Click here to view the new products that will be on display at Labelexpo Americas 2014.
- Companies:
- Mark Andy