CIP4's Print Automation Live and CIPPI Awards at drupa 2012
WASHINGTON, D.C.—The International Cooperation for the Integration of the Processes in Prepress, Press and Postpress (CIP4) organization announced that in addition to the Print Automation Zone that it will host in the drupa innovation park (dip) at drupa 2012, CIP4 will also feature "Print Automation Live" and CIPPI Awards programs. In keeping with its new integrations/new milestones focus, the Print Automation Live program will highlight a wide range of JDF interoperability demonstrations throughout the drupa show floor, while the CIPPI Awards Program will recognize those printers who have achieved major milestones in print automation on center stage in the dip.
Print Automation Zone
As a centerpiece for the drupa innovation park, the Print Automation Zone will feature CIP4 members and their workflow partners showing JDF interoperability demonstrations designed to bring a higher level of print production efficiency and profitability to your press room. Inspired by recent economic challenges, printers are increasingly turning to JDF-enabled print automation to improve productivity and profitability with implementations that often have a relatively short payback on their investment. With these remarkable ROI's, JDF-enabled print automation has quickly become a mainstream print imperative for printers in North America, Europe and many other parts of the world.
Print Automation Live Program
Throughout the show floor, CIP4 Members participating in the drupa "Print Automation Live" program will host live automated production demonstrations in their booths, illustrating the synergy between integrated production systems and the productivity gains of print automation. "How JDF code is swapped back and forth between systems can be hard to visualize, let alone understanding its potential impact on operations," says Tim Daisy of EFI and CIP4 Education and Marketing Officer. "With a diverse group of CIP4 members showing print automation for various types of print production, drupa attendees will be able get a broader understanding of the range of possibilities and walk away with some actionable ideas to take to the plant back home."
CIP4 will publish production workflow descriptions and illustrations for each Print Automation Live site in its drupa edition of Production Automation News. Free copies of the CIP4 Production Automation News will be available at all entrances to halls 7.0 and 7.a. at the show, and will provide attendees with valuable information on where and when to attend the Print Automation Live demonstrations that best fit their interests.
CIPPI Awards Program
Another CIP4 feature at the drupa innovation park will be the 2012 CIP4 International Print Production Innovation (CIPPI) awards. The CIPPI Awards recognize printers who have implemented ground-breaking, innovative and highly productive print automation systems. Applicants are required to provide detailed case studies reviewed by an independent panel of five international judges. "The dip is about innovation, and having the CIPPI awards presentation live on the dip main stage, is a great way to recognize that innovation comes from printers, and not just from vendors of systems and software," said dip Manager, Sandra Winter of Winter Consulting. "Previous CIPPI Award case studies have demonstrated printer creativity, and we look forward to hearing what this year's winners have achieved."
The CIPPI Awards are presented to applicant printers with recognition to their supporting vendors. The CIPPI Awards program and presentation will be held on Sunday, May 6th at the dip Main Stage in hall 7.0 immediately following the show close, from 17:00 to 19:00 hours. Printers and vendors interested in submitting an application for the 2012 CIPPI Awards can find application forms, example case studies from previous years' events, and rules and guidelines at CIPPI Award applications for 2012 must be submitted to CIP4 by Friday, February 17, 2012.
For more information on CIP4 or questions about this announcement, please contact CIP4 Executive Director, James Harvey at or via telephone at 410-451-5040.