Taghleef Industries Inc.

Taghleef Industries (Ti) is the leading supplier of specialty and high performance films for packaging, labels, industrial, and graphic arts applications. Headquartered in Dubai with manufacturing sites in nine countries on five continents, the company has annual capacity of 410,000 metric tons of BOPP, CPP, and PLA films for the global marketplace. Ti delivers intelligent packaging solutions and sustainable added value to customers and stakeholders through innovative research, high quality film products, and focused service. Ti brands include NATIVIA®, EXTENDO®, DERPROSA®, Titanium™, SHAPE360™, and SynDECOR®.

500 Creek View Road
Suite 301
Newark, DE 19711
Web Site: www.ti-films.com
Phone: 302-326-5500
Toll Free: 800-688-2044


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