Tony Renzi

Visitors to Sun Chemical’s booth #425 at INFO*FLEX 2012, will be introduced to: high-definition digital plate technology which provides sharper images than standard plates, specialty inks, and coatings that lightweight packaging, maintain integrity and reduce waste.

Shrink substrates are popular for packaging, but they wouldn't be anywhere without the high-performance powers of shrink inks. by Kate Sharon, Associate Editor INKS USED FOR shrink applications have to be capable of going above and beyond the call of ordinary ink duties. Shrink inks have to adhere well to film substrates, hold color despite heat, maintain a certain coefficient of friction (COF), and—most importantly—shrink. "[Shrink inks] need to have superior adhesion, flexibility, be fairly heat resistant because heat is involved in the process, and [be made with] pigments that won't change color or fade with heat application," said Ed Dedman, market development

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