Seth Albert

Rotary diecutting systems offer speed, versatility, and reliability. IN THE LAST several years, rotary dies have come a long way. No longer can flatbed diecutting systems claim to handle a substantially wider array of substrates and offer a higher degree of detail than their rotary die counterparts. Thanks to newer advances like machine sharpening and laser die hardening, and new steels, coatings, and processes, rotary dies have surpassed the versatility and effectiveness of flatbed dies. In fact, rotary dies have a score of benefits to offer printers. Advantage: rotary dies Converters are taking a serious look at rotary diecutting systems. They

Industry experts advise printers on maximizing die life before, during, and after usage. by Jessica Millward, Associate Editor COMMODIFICATION OF MUCH of the die industry has obvious drawbacks for die suppliers, who face intense price wars and shrinking profit margins. But viewing these precision instruments as expendable, interchangeable goods may be eating away at the printer's purse as well. Damage sustained to a die through improper maintenance procedures or careless handling tactics will shorten its life expectancy substantially. Pre-purchase and set-up There are a host of possible missteps in die handling/usage, but shortened die life usually can be chalked up to one of

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