Lincolnshire, Ill.

MLP U.S.A., Inc. 600 Barclay Blvd. Lincolnshire, IL, 60069, USA Press release date: January 3, 2011 VALDESE, N.C. - Valdese Packaging & Label, Inc., an 18-year-old printing company that caters to the retail end of the textile industry, purchased a Mitsubishi Diamond 3000LX sheetfed press. The six-color, 40-inch press easily accommodates a wide range of stock. It handles up to 0.040-inch packaging board and paper as thin as 0.002 inches, as well as various plastic substrates and foil. The Diamond 3000LX is the third Mitsubishi press acquired by Valdese Packaging & Label. The printer previously operated two six-color, 28-inch

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