Julie Static Controls, Inc.

Static Control
November 1, 2006

Static control and web cleaning are tied together at the hip in the package-printing arena. Moving webs and sheets generate static, and static attracts dirt and other unwanted vermin. So, to consistently supply high-quality product, package printers must pay close attention to the static/contamination Medusa twins. This area also warrants additional attention due to a couple of hot topics in the world of package printing—the increasing use of film substrates and the coming of static-sensitive RFID electronics. Plastic films generate and hold static charges a lot better than paper substrates (more snakes in Medusa’s ‘do) and the relatively expensive electronic components in RFID

Julie Static Controls Changes Name to Static Clean International
May 26, 2006

BURLINGTON, Mass.--Julie Static Controls President Jim Patterson has announced the company name is changing to Static Clean International. “The name Static Clean International is a better representation of the direction the company is taking to meet the demands of the Cleanroom and Medical Device Markets. While the product line will still include all existing blowers, static bars, air knives, cleaning stations, web cleaners and other various static control components for General and Industrial Applications, it will develop new products not presently offered to address the increased demand for a cleaner product. For the customer it represents improved yields, which translates into increased profits. Recent