Press Accessories - General

pp.0506 Prepress Input
May 1, 2006

Agfa Packaging Solutions The AgfaScan XY-15 Plus is an oversized A3 format CCD flatbed scanner for high-productivity scanning. A hand-selected, premium 8,000-element CCD allows it to achieve a maximum density of 4.1 and resolution up to 15,000 ppi. Write 186, Visit Artwork Systems ArtPro®, PackFlow™, LabelFlow™, FlexoCal™, and Hybrid Screening. System platforms are designed for Macintosh and Windows NT and support multiple output devices. Write 187, Visit J BETA INDUSTRIES Betalog Imagesetter Densitometers measure film to densities of 6.00+, maintaining imagesetter calibration, halftone quality. Model 77 measures large film on a light table, while Betalog 150