Rotoflex Int'l, Inc.

To further strengthen the company's position as a global leader in offline finishing solutions, Rotoflex recently moved its Canadian regional facility to a larger, new 12,000-square-foot building near Toronto.
Rotoflex has released the new Security Series, a series of fully integrated modules that enable customers to configure their finishing solution to meet the requirements of pharmaceutical compliance and high security packaging.
Rotoflex has released the Vericut3, the company's premier off-line finishing solution for digital and conventional printed web. It is 100 percent servo-driven for precise tension control and flexibility.
Rotoflex showcased its VLI and VSI slitter/rewinders at Labelexpo Europe 2015. Rotoflex has reported that both machines received strong interest and were sold during the show.
Featured Products for the flexographic, narrow-web and package printing industries, including Rotoflex, SICK USA, Karlville, Label Vision Systems
Featured Products for the flexographic, narrow-web and package printing industries, including Rotoflex, Martin Automatic, Webex Inc. and AB Graphic International.
At Labelexpo Americas 2012, a steady parade of show attendees were treated to a wide array of new products and technology demonstrations. A major highlight of the show, the Label Industry Global Awards 2012, took place on Tuesday, Sept. 11 at the Aragon Ballroom in Chicago. Steve Lee, vice president of technology at RotoMetrics, was honored with the prestigious R Stanton Avery Lifetime Achievement Award.
Two new director-level appointments have been made at Rotoflex. Kevin Gourlay has been named business director; and Manohar Dhugga has been tapped as the company's new director of engineering and service.
Mark Andy Inc. announced the signing of Ferrostaal Mexico, S.A. de C.V. to represent Mark Andy press and Rotoflex finishing equipment brands in Mexico.
Mark Andy Inc. announced the signing of Paolo Nascimbeni, an agent representing Mark Andy press and Rotoflex finishing equipment brands in Italy.