Carded Graphics to Create 34 New Jobs with Expansion
RICHMOND, VA—Governor Bob McDonnell today announced that Carded Graphics, a manufacturer of quality folding cartons and packaging for some of the world's largest food, pharmaceutical and beverage manufacturers, will invest approximately $7.05 million to expand its operation in the City of Staunton. The company will create 34 new jobs. Virginia successfully competed against North Carolina for the project.
“In 2006 Carded Graphics, based in Virginia since 1978, merged with Pell Paper, a North Carolina-based company, and just six years later has more than doubled in size," said Governor McDonnell. "With this significant investment the company will continue to grow and expand its manufacturing production to meet the product demands of an impressive and expanding customer roster. Carded Graphics has thrived in the City of Staunton, which strives to recruit and retain quality manufacturers. The addition of 34 new jobs that pay well above the prevailing average wage in the City is great news for the region and the Commonwealth.”
According to Jim Cheng, Virginia Secretary of Commerce and Trade, Carded Graphics has experienced great success as a Virginia-based company since merging with Pell Paper in 2006, and Staunton provides strategic, convenient access to its customers and sales offices. “As a provider of custom graphics, package design, printing, diecutting and state-of-the-art converting technology and machinery, I am confident that the company’s products will continue to grow in demand," Cheng adds.
In 2006, Murry Pitts, president and CEO of Carded Graphics, merged the operations of Pell Paper with newly acquired Carded Graphics, and as part of his growth strategy moved the company to Virginia. Today Carded Graphics' corporate offices and production facility are located in a 120,000-square-foot plant in Staunton, VA. There are sales offices located in Virginia, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Maryland and Florida. With more than 100 years combined in operation, strong leadership, innovative technology and an experienced customer oriented team, Carded Graphics is well positioned to continue the tradition of growth well into this next century.
“Having made the decision in 2006 to move the total operation to Virginia, I am very pleased to be involved in such a community and state where a pro-business philosophy has been the key in supporting the environment and investments needed for continued growth,” Pitts relays. “My decision to continue to invest in this area of Virginia was based on the positive responsiveness of our state and local partners, my commitment to this community and the people here that we serve.”
The Virginia Economic Development Partnership worked with the City of Staunton and the Shenandoah Valley Partnership to secure the project for Virginia. Governor McDonnell approved a $100,000 grant from the Governor’s Opportunity Fund to assist Staunton with the project. The company is eligible to receive benefits from the Virginia Enterprise Zone Program, administered by the Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development. Through its Virginia Jobs Investment Program, the Virginia Department of Business Assistance (VDBA) will provide funding and services to support the company’s recruitment and training activities.
“Good-paying jobs drive our economy, so Staunton prides itself in helping companies that create new jobs for our citizens,” Staunton Mayor Lacy King points out. "Carded Graphics is an excellent corporate citizen and continues to positively impact our community. We look forward to the company’s continued growth in the years to come.
Source: Carded Graphics.